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Senior Cyber Café: Learn to use your tablet, smartphone

It's time to turn the table and stop asking your children or grandchildren for help with your tablet or smartphone. Learn how to navigate your device at a free event at Parsons Presbyterian Manor.

Your children and grandchildren will be coming to you for assistance after this seminar! We'll cover the basics, like sending emails, downloading attachments, sharing photos and searching Google. We'll also address some advanced topics, like how to use maps and which apps to download to make your life easier.

“Senior Cyber Café – Navigating Smartphones and Tablets” will begin at 2 p.m. August 7 at Parsons Presbyterian Manor, 3501 Dirr Ave. The talk is part of Presbyterian Manor’s Just Ask series, a free, ongoing lifelong learning program featuring information from local, regional and national experts on topics of interest to older adults and their families.

Space is limited. RSVP by Aug. 3 to Sloan Dwyer, marketing director, at 620-421-1450 or

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