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Chaplain: No more birthdays

I am turning 62 this month, and I am sure I will hear a few “Happy Birthday to You” musical greetings. To me, it will probably be another day of "do this and do that." I got to thinking – when I get to Heaven, I will have no more birthdays.

The counting of birthdays only matters here on Earth. It is only here that time is measured in any particular way. Think about it: eternity eliminates the need to count the accumulation of time. There will be no aging in Heaven because there will be no decline.

There is an old song that contains these lyrics: “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through.” Aren’t you glad this is not our permanent home? There is a NEW world, a NEW home, we can be looking toward. It will be a world of wonder and of peace. After experiencing this world for the last 60+ years, I look forward to a world that we haven’t messed up.

I guess there is only one thing I’m trying to say – I really look forward to only one more birthday. It is the day I will be delivered into Heaven. What a BIRTHDAY that will be!

“For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.” Hebrews 11:13

Prayer: Lord, help me not to get so wrapped up in the things of this world. Let me focus on the world You are preparing for me. Amen

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