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Sloan's Spot: Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning – isn’t that what everyone thinks of when they hear the word spring? It is definitely a good time of the year to get rid of some of those items that tend to clutter up our homes or lives. Isn’t it always so hard letting go of some things? I always enjoy the idea of spring cleaning and decluttering, but I always forget how hard it is to let go of those tennis shoes that clearly need to go in the trash. I might wear them sometimes you know, even though I haven’t worn them in two years. Why is it we hold onto things? Often, I think it is the memories some items hold, or maybe it is the fear of moving on. Downsizing and decluttering can be a scary thing to tackle sometimes.

My parents recently decluttered some of their belongings in the basement, which were really my old school day items. It took me on a trip down memory lane; however, I realized there was no need to hold onto my basketball certificate stating I won a free throw contest when I was 14. Part of me wanted to not toss it just because it made me smile, another part of me felt really old. Ha! It sparked something in me that I hadn’t thought of before. The memories will always be there with us, and we aren’t bad for getting rid of things. It always will open our homes and lives for new things and change! Change is always unpredictable but it’s something we must not be afraid of.

I hope you take this spring with a new, fresh outlook. Whether you only declutter a few things or you dive in and really clean stuff out, go you! Letting go of things in any way is opening the door for something new to come along and bring you joy. Happy spring!

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